Slide Background

Land Management

This section's main function is to manage, facilitate and coordinate all land dealings in Vanuatu. The Land Management section consists of three Units being the Valuation, Planning & Enforcement and the Lease Execution.



This unit provides valuation services on behalf of the Government. This Unit is responsible for:

1. Determining and providing rates for land rent and premium calculations.

2. Determining premiums and land rent for urban and disputed land where the Minister of Lands acts on behalf of disputing parties.

3. 10% payments on transfers of land upon which the Government acts on behalf of Custom Owners.

4. Premiums for extension of leases terms.

5. Valuations for rating, taxing purposes and compensation purposes for the Government.

Planning and Enforcement

This Unit is composed of Two Divisions, Planning and Enforcement, that complement each other in that Planning oversees lease applications and Enforcement ensures the compliance of lessees to lease provisions by:

1. Giving general advice on Land Use and other related issues to the General Public.

2. Preparing and processing as well as managing and controlling the issuance of Negotiator Certificates for Ministerial approval.

3. Issuing and collecting applications to lease new rural and urban lands.

4. Conducting inspections on land over which a lease is being applied for, if instructed by the Land Management and Planning Committee (LMPC).

5. Informing applicants to advise them on LMPC decisions concerning their applications.

6. Collecting information on deferred applications that need more information to allow the LMPC to make a final decision.

7. Enforce and ensure compliance to lease provisions.

8. Ensure lease provision breaches are dealt with or if necessary, are rectified according to existing laws.


Lease Execution

This unit is in charge of administering lease-related dealings by:

1. Certifying and processing the transfers, consents, surrenders, variations and mortgages of leases.

2. Preparing and checking all Land documents for lease compliance.